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Pastel blast :)

Hello all you lurrrvely people…
How have you been…yes I know I have been in touch on facebook but you see I will never abandon my blog duties..facebook is too public for my comfort as you may have understood so far. 😀 
So I made this interactive box card with an elastic belly band to go with it. 
It looks pretty shabby chic .. but again .. what’s in a category just enjoy it.
Pastel blast :) 1
I finally decided to use my markers on tilda. I am pretty nervous with this combination, markers and tilda! 
Since I do not have a good range of markers for browns. I did a shoddy job of coloring her hair. 
But the face.. ash..what a bonnie face. 😛 
I have started using less of rouge.. 😀 
Stickled her .. to hide flaws in the colouring. He he !
Pastel blast :) 2
Mulberry flowers instead of handmade ones..because you see. I had just five hours to make it.
So it was more punching and pre-made flower embellishing!
The paper is prima and kaisercraft. Don’t ask for the exact paperline.. I jumble them up. 
As you can see the doily lace edge punch obsession is not wearing off.. you might as well accept it. 
It is one of the best designs ever ! 😀 its genius ..pure genius. 
Although its a small card and I used just four flat backed pearls.. but it looks delicate, I think. 
Pastel blast :) 3
So you take the elastic band off.. and it opens like an armoire to reveal a message. 
Oh and the base of the card was supposed to be cream..not pink. Initially there was no pink cardstock on the sides. It was supposed to be with just the punched edge but the elastic band was ruining it.
So I reinforced it with thick pink cardstock. Then I fell in love with the complete color scheme. 🙂 
Just so you know! to make the band extra strong I pasted an extra oval shaped cardstock behind tilda. Not only does it look clean it has pretty good hold. 
Pastel blast :) 4
I used a handmade box instead of an envelope to keep the card because my friend wanted it to look like  gift.. so I used the doily lace to jazz up the lid edge as well.
Pastel blast :) 5
So ….let me know …how you find it 🙂 
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